Downs Law Firm, P.C.


Inherited IRA

Battle Over Lisa Marie Presley Estate

A badly in debt woman dies leaving the proceeds of substantial insurance policies to her children only to have her trust contested by relatives who claim an amendment naming the children as beneficiaries is invalid with no witnesses, misspelled names, suspicious signatures and was never given to previous trustees for review as required by agreement. A long, expensive, and protracted legal battle likely is brewing.

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myths to debunk

Four Estate Planning Myths To Debunk

While thinking about legacy planning can be unpleasant because it involves discussions about incapacity or mortality, it’s an important aspect of good financial planning that shouldn’t be ignored.

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reasons to have a will

Can You Prevent a Will Contest?

From contentious relatives to scam artists, wills are not immune to the threat of a contest. If you have an inkling such a fight could be in your estate’s future, here are some ways to limit the risk.

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